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feeding the dragon sharing

Hi everyone, I thought I would briefly share my experience from Saturday's session. I liked the process, though it went a little faster than I think would most benefit me? Especially in the 3 questions portion, and then switching places and asking 3 more questions. I got a little turned around there but I understand giving the fear a voice, and just using what comes to the mind first!  I would maybe do it again as a writing exercise if we got the narration in a file. I could also maybe record myself reading it and play it back.

Nevertheless, I had some hits I thought I would share. I've learned that fear in general comes from my mind, wanting to keep me safe, from feeling frustrated, disappointed, or abandoned. It can also hole up near my solar plexus/sacral chakra. It even manifested as celiac disease, which I've since healed. The dragon "personified" as a sleeping kitten. Peaceful, but it yawned and stretched, should I ever forget that it has sharp teeth and claws.  When I asked what it wanted from me, it said LOVE. When I asked what it needed, it said LISTEN. When I asked how it would feel if I gave it what it wanted, it said, PEACEFUL. When I switch roles, and become the kitten speaking to myself, it said what I want from you is RESPECT, what I need from you is LOVE and when its needs are met, it would feel FREEDOM. I thought later that asking the same 3 questions, one set of answers from what I thought fear would say, and one set from what fear actually said, was interesting! No need for the fear to ask me the questions. It's not gonna be that generous, LOL and, if I get to know the fear, we both win anyway.

I also really liked the imagery I came up with for feeding my fear/kitten. This was helpful and I can see calling up this image again. Just feeding and loving on my fear/kitten. Potent!

Does anyone else want to share?

hope it's a meaningful week,


Taylor Zeeb has reacted to this post.
Taylor Zeeb

Hi Martha-

I so so love your feedback on this. Thank you!! I agree...more time and writing would have been beneficial. Even still, you found deep meaning with this exercise and the imagery of the kitten REALLY resonates with me. Thank you for sharing this. I am going to create a new thread and list the steps for this exercise right now! See you in a little bit for our guest speaker call!



Thank you for sharing, sounds like you had such a powerful experience.  I am so glad you shared!  I have not done this exercise yet as I have had a really busy week and it has been very hard for me to make time for self care.  I know that I need to just sit and do it, but sometimes it is easier said than done and I am working on giving my self some grace.  I will come back and share when I get to do this practice.


Thanks again for sharing.

Martha Barnett has reacted to this post.
Martha Barnett