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Feeding The Dragon PRACTICE--Step by Step

Hi Friends-

The video from our last Zoom call is posted now. And I wanted to list the steps of 'Feeding the Dragon' here. Remember, the Dragon is your fear. Follow the steps to enter this practice as many times as you would like.

Step 1--Take 9 relaxing breaths. The first 3 breaths...imagine the breath traveling to any tension in the body. Release the tension through the out breath. For breaths 4-6, imagine inhaling into any emotional tension in your body. Release on out breath. For breaths 7-9, imagine the breath traveling to any anxiety, worry, or apprehension you may feel. Release on out breath.

Step 2--Generate a GRATITUDE for this practice. A heartfelt reason WHY you're doing it. Ex: "I am feeding the dragon so I can release unneeded worry and anxiety."

Step 3--Decide which fear (dragon) you want to work with. Locate where you hold it most strongly in your body. Now intensify the sensation of this fear in your body. Become aware of its qualities (is it cool, warm, textural)?

Step 4--Personify the fear and ask it what it needs. Imagine this dragon in real life. What does it look like? What color are its eyes? It is sitting across from you and facing you. As the dragon: What do you want from me? What do you need from me? How will you feel if you get what you need?

Step 5--After asking the questions above, immediately change places with the dragon. Now, you are the dragon. You are sitting in this 'fear'. And you are looking back at you. As you are now the fear/dragon...answer these questions: What I want from you is...? What I need from you is....? When my need is met I will feel...?

Step 6--Feeding the dragon. Come back to your original position. Take a moment to settle in. Now see the dragon before you. Visualize creating an offering for the dragon. Flowers, food, drink. And you will begin to FEED the fear/dragon in front of you. Feed the dragon until it is completely satisfied. Don't stop until it feels complete.

Step 7--Meet your new Ally. The dragon has now become something else. It is transformed. What has it turned into? A butterfly? A bird? Visualize your fear/dragon as transformed. Imagine it becoming your friend and ally. Notice what this ally looks like (color, texture). Look into its eyes. Ask it: How will you protect me? How can I gain access to you? You can also, once again, change places but this time with your ally. Ask the same questions.

Step 8--Rest. In the state of completion. Allow the answers and information to process. Write down what you've discovered. Take time here to reflect on this experience.



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